The Biography of John Wayne Mixson: Florida’s 39th Governor


2022 Samuel Proctor Award Winner


John Wayne Mixson served as a Florida state representative, Florida lieutenant governor, and briefly as the 39th governor of Florida. The results of his work while filling these roles continue to positively impact the state of Florida and its citizens.

Raised on a small South Alabama farm during the Great Depression, Mixson was part of the "Greatest Generation," serving in the US Navy during World War II. Mixson attended Columbia University, Denison University, and the Wharton School. After the war, he completed his undergraduate degree in Business at the University of Florida before beginning his political career.

Author Sid Riley was a political columnist, managing editor, and part owner of The Jackson County Times newspaper. For this book, Riley conducted extensive oral history interviews with John Wayne Mixson, and his wife Margie Mixson.




Full Title: 

The Biography of John Wayne Mixson: Florida’s 39th Governor








‎ 9781949810103

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  • FRONT COVER, John Wayne Mixson: Florida’s 39th Governor
    FRONT COVER, John Wayne Mixson: Florida’s 39th Governor
  • BACK-SPINE-FRONT COVER, John Wayne Mixson: Florida’s 39th Governor
    BACK-SPINE-FRONT COVER, John Wayne Mixson: Florida’s 39th Governor