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The history of Mission San Luis in Tallahassee, site of one of the first missions created among the Apalachee Indians, is featured. Discussions include a description of the Apalachee and their interaction with Spaniards during the late 17th and early 18th centuries; details of events that contributed to the demise of the San Luis site; and the modern facilities that exist today and how they were reconstructed.
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Two centuries before the Franciscans founded missions in California, the first mission chains were established along the northern Florida Atlantic coast and the Georgia coastal islands. In 1606, Spaniards spread into the Timucua territory of the Potano Indians and established Mission San Francisco de Potano. This was the first use of the name "San Francisco" in the land that would become the United States.
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This episode explores the history of Edgartown, now part of Fort Pierce. It discusses the canning industry in Florida and the advantages and challenges of historic preservation in a small town.
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This discussion of the book, The History of the Kennedy Space Center, features authors Kenneth Lipartito and Orville Butler. The book explores the origins of the space industry in the 1950s, the space race of the 1960s, and the space shuttle era.
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Florida Humanities Council and the National Endowment for the Humanities
With funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities, FHC grants primarily respond to the needs of local communities, but they often address topics of statewide interest. FHC is particularly interested in projects that are collaborative, attract diverse audiences, encourage active participation from the public, and explore humanities topics and disciplines in interesting and engaging ways.