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Program Segments:
Al Black, Roy McClendon, and Mary Ann Carroll, members of the African American "outsider" artists who were part of The Highwaymen, discuss the origins and history of their group.
Mark-In Point:
Gloria Wood remembers living in Perry, Florida, which was a company town during the 1930s.
Mark-In Point:
Victor Andres Triay, author of Bay of Pigs: An Oral History of Brigade 2506, discusses the role of Cuban Americans in the ill-fated operation.
Mark-In Point:
Florida Humanities Council and the National Endowment for the Humanities
With funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities, FHC grants primarily respond to the needs of local communities, but they often address topics of statewide interest. FHC is particularly interested in projects that are collaborative, attract diverse audiences, encourage active participation from the public, and explore humanities topics and disciplines in interesting and engaging ways.