Florida Frontiers: The Weekly Radio Magazine

Florida Frontiers: The Weekly Radio Magazine of the Florida Historical Society is a weekly, half-hour radio program airing on public radiostations throughout the state beginning in January 2009. The program is a combination of interview segments and produced features covering history-based events, exhibitions, activities, places and people in Florida. We explore the relevance of Florida history to contemporary society and promote awareness of heritage and culture tourism options in the state.
Paul Ortiz, author of “An African American and Latinx History of the United States”
J. Francis LeBaron, “Prehistoric Remains in Florida” (1887)
The Veterans Legacy Program in France
The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art in Sarasota
1914 Confederate Reunion in Jacksonville
The History of the Green Book
Jose Manuel Garcia, author of "Voices from Mariel"
Coconut Grove pioneer Ralph Monroe
19th Century Soldier David Moniac
Linda Buckmaster author of "Space Heart: A Memoir in Stages"
The Real First Thanksgiving
The Veterans Legacy Program in St. Augustine
A Murder in 1800 St. Augustine
19th Century Property Surveys
Central Florida Navy League
Historian K. Stephen Prince discusses the Reconstruction Era
The book “Florida Enchantments”
The Melrose Ladies Literary and Debating Society
Shamrock Studios in Orlando
The Record Company of Henry Flagler
"The Age of Fear" and its author Gary Mormino
George Merrick and Coral Gables
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
Hemingway's Key West Cats
Ben Green, author of "Before His Time"
"Florida Highways" magazine
Automobility and Jim Crow
Public History Concentration at Bethune-Cookman University
History Around the Apalachicola River
Vanished Sanford
The Exhibit "Beaches, Creatures and Cowboys: Florida Film Posters"
The Maroon Settlement of Angola
Seminole and Miccosukee Constitutions
Jack Kerouac Play
Military Installations in Florida
Jim Morrison of The Doors
Custom House in Key West
History of Jai Alai in Florida
Food History in Miami
The Jean Ribault Shipwreck
Greetings from Florida exhibit
Architect Elton Moughton
"Florida Made" co-author Laura Mize
Detroit, Florida
Hard Rock Memorabilia
Bok Tower Gardens
Naval Records for the Civil War
Early History of Miami
Shipwreck of a Loyalist Fleet
Florida Travels of Spanish Conquistador Hernando de Soto
Florida Bluegrass Music
Mother Laura Adorkor Kofi
Topographical Maps
Auto Racing in Daytona
Revising American Revolution History
The International Border Dispute in West Florida
The Mystery of a Sheriff’s Badge
From C.B. Moore to the Miami Circle
Space Race Postage Stamp
Jones High School in Orlando
Dugout Canoe Archaeology
Episcopal Newsletters
Veterans Legacy Program
Jack Kerouac - End of the Road
World War II Posters
Jim Morrison of The Doors
Florida Filmmaker and Actor Ricou Browning
Atlantic Coast Railway
The Rosewood Massacre
John and Mary Lou Missal on Major Vinton
A History of Sugar Cultivation in Florida
Learning from Space Program Disasters
Historic Preservation in Eatonville
Aerial Photography from 1930
Buckshot in Seminole Wars
