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The Brevard Theatrical Ensemble has put together a musical, Mosquitoes, Alligators, and Determination, that celebrates Florida Cracker culture.
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Bobby Noles remembers when his grandfather was a railroad engineer with Henry Flagler's East Coast Railway in Florida, which ran down the east coast of the state.
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Free African Americans arrived in the 1500s with the Spanish. Dr. Jane Landers has written a book on the subject, titled Black Society in Spanish Florida. Using Spanish records, Landers was able to trace the lives of individuals from Africa to Spain to North America.
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Florida Humanities Council and the National Endowment for the Humanities
With funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities, FHC grants primarily respond to the needs of local communities, but they often address topics of statewide interest. FHC is particularly interested in projects that are collaborative, attract diverse audiences, encourage active participation from the public, and explore humanities topics and disciplines in interesting and engaging ways.