The Trans-Florida Central Railway was incorporated

Date in History: 

18 Feb 1924

1924 – The Trans-Florida Central Railway was incorporated. It was affectionately dubbed the "dinky line" by the locals. The line was originally constructed for Fellsmere Farms and was completed in September 1910. On May 1, 1911 the line officially opened to the public. There were two passenger stops (River Bridge and Kitching) and the fare for the whole distance was 25 cents. The line ran between Fellsmere and Sebastian to carry logs cut in the swamps to the FEC interchange and carry supplies back to Fellsmere. The Trans-Florida Railway was officially abandoned on November 30, 1952, just over 42 years from its beginning. The track between Fellsmere and Sebastian was later removed, and the right-of-way was ultimately bought by Indian River County on which it constructed the westbound lanes of County Road 512.


  • The Trans-Florida Central Railway was incorporated

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