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  • Confederate Impressment Act Today in Florida History March 26, 1863 - Floridians, like most Southerners, reacted angrily today when the Confederate Congress approved the Impressment Act on this date, which allowed Confederate tax collectors to impress food and other articles useful to the Confederacy.” The act was an attempt to regulate the already common Confederate army practice of impressing supplies including food and slaves. The legislation turned out...Read more

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#6: Florida Citrus

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YOU are a part of Florida history, and we are telling YOUR story. The Florida Historical Society preserves books, maps, postcards, photographs, documents and more at the Library of Florida History. We publish the latest research in the Florida Historical Quarterly, and in FHS Press books. We produce our “Florida Frontiers” radio and television programs, and podcasts. We gather for two conferences annually, make daily posts on Facebook, and much more.
